Each time Big Brothers Big Sisters Lincoln pairs youth with a role model, we start something incredible: a one-to-one relationship built on trust and friendship that can blossom into a future of unlimited potential. And thanks to the first-ever nationwide impact study of a mentoring organization, we have the facts to prove it.
The Study
According to a Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) study, our one-to-one matches genuinely impact children's lives. We carefully administrate matches at Big Brothers Big Sisters and hold them to the strictest standards. Our agencies strive for matches that are safe, well suited to each child's needs, and harmoniously built to last. From the initial screening to the final pairing—and beyond—your support makes the entire process possible.
But don't just think of us as simply matchmakers. We provide ongoing support and supervision to the Big, the Little, and the Little's family. We offer training and advice to help ensure that the match is working for everyone involved. Our local agency also receives ongoing training and consulting from the Big Brothers Big Sisters National Office. This web of support helps maximize the likelihood that a Big Brothers Big Sisters relationship will thrive.
Measuring our impact
Big Brothers Big Sisters believes that it must hold itself accountable to the families, children, and mentors enrolled in our program. We must hold ourselves accountable to the donors, partners, and advocates who fund our work. That is why a commitment to continuous learning, improvement, and research is at the heart of what we do.
Continuous Learning Through Technology
Our commitment to measurement, analysis, and improvement is so core to who we are that we have developed a unique, proprietary method of tracking the interactions between Bigs and Littles through our CRM, Matchforce. This performance management tool helps guide the decisions in our network of professionally trained staff members. Built to support Big Brothers Big Sisters, Matchforce provides the intelligence and data to continually improve our services to children.
Continuous Learning Through Partnerships
Through the generous support of corporations, foundations, and individual donations, Big Brothers Big Sisters regularly participates in nationwide or local research opportunities.
Research About Big Brothers Big Sisters Programs
Research shows that our one-to-one mentoring programs have genuine outcomes for youth.
One-on-one attention from a caring adult role model is a key part of developing self-confidence, and research shows that Bigs help Littles feel more confident in several areas.
Evidence shows that being matched through Big Brothers Big Sisters can make a difference in youth academic performance and how they feel about school in general.
Many children get swept up in what their peers are doing, but research shows that having another caring adult on their side helps Littles make good decisions and avoid risky behaviors.